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Measures to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 (updated on December 16)

December 16, 2020

To all students, faculty, and staff,

Shin’ichi Wakabayashi,
President of Hiroshima City University

Measures to prevent the further spread of COVID-19

With the rapid rise in the number of COVID-19 patients in Hiroshima City since the end of November, the Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture announced the “Intensive Prevention Measures for COVID-19” which citizens are strongly requested to follow until January 3, 2021. In accordance with this, Hiroshima City University has decided to implement the following measures. All students, faculty, and staff members should be alarmed by the situation, and are strongly requested to cooperate in the effort to prevent the further spread of COVID-19.

I Basic policies

1 Extra care to prevent infection

1.1 Basic meaesures to take

Basic measures should be taken such as avoiding the “Three Cs”, wearing a mask, washing and sanitizing the hands. Extra care should be taken in dining places and working environments where a mask can be taken off only for the minimum period of time and conversations should also be kept minimum.

1.2 Reducing contact with people

Contact with other people should be reduced as much as possible by, for instance, avoiding going out unless absolute necessary.

1.3 Dining and drinking at restaurants and other dining facilities

Dining and drinking with people you do not live with should be refrained. When dining and drinking out, it is strongly advised to choose restaurants and dining facilities with satisfactory hygienic conditions. While dining and drinking, conversations without masks should be refrained.


2 Going home for Christmas and the New Year’s,?traveling, and research trips

2.1 Going home for Christmas and the New Year’s (in compliance with the announcement by the Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture)

Going home for Christmas and the New Year’s should be refrained or postponed due to the risk of infection spread among family members.

2.2 Traveling and research trips

As with 2.1 above, traveling and research trips should also be avoided wherever possible.


3 Health management and health check

3.1 Health management

Health management should be addressed through a balanced diet, satisfatory sleep, and regular exercise. Influenza vaccination and other preventive measures for diseases are also recommended.

3.2 Health check

Health conditions, as well as activities, should be monitored and recorded on a daily basis.

【Health observation sheet】

3.3 COCOA (Covid-19 Contact Confirmation Application)

Installation of COCOA is strongly recommended from here.


4 In the case of the development of COVID-19 symptoms

When COVID-19 symptoms develop, every possible action must be taken to avoid the spread of infection such as staying home, and a consultation with designated medical institutions or call centers must be made over the phone immediately.

If you test positive, or if you are contacted by a health center informing that you have been identified as a close contact to a COVID-19 positive individual, you must notify the university.


II Class delivery and the use of university facilities

Since some classes are still delivered online and therefore the number of students commuting to the university is not significant, there is no change to the policies for class delivery and the use of university facilities. (For the use of university facilities for extra-curricular activities, see III 2 below.) In the case of delivering class in person or using university facilities, basic measures must appropriately and thoroughly be taken such as avoiding the “Three Cs”, wearing a mask, washing and sanitizing the hands, and ventilation.

III Student activities

1 Commuting to the university

1.1 Students should keep taking health and activity records on a daily basis, and submit them whenever requested.

1.2 In the case of commuting to the university, the following should be kept in mind:

a) If infection is suspected, do not commute to the university, and immediately contact designated medical institutions or call centers;
b) Do not commute to the university if you first develop suspicious symptoms (e.g. a high temperature, a cough, a sore throat, breathlessness, a running nose and nasal congestion, a loss or change to the sense of taste and smell, a headache, a sense of fatigue) within a week and it has been less than three days since the symptoms disappear;
c) Make sure that you wear a mask and refrain from conversation in public transport.

1.3 Students are prohibited to commute to the university during the winter vacation (from December 22 to January 3) except for intensive courses and for other absolutely necessary reasons. In the case of commuting to the university, prior permission by an academic supervisor (faculty member) must be obtained, and prior notice must be submitted to an appropriate division/section of the Administrative Offices.

2 Extra-curricular and other activities

2.1 Extra-curricular activities, including those of student clubs and circles, must not be organized until the spread of COVID-19 infection slows down. If activities are absoltely necessary and need to be held, prior notice must be submitted to the Student Support Division of the university, and records of partipants and activities must be kept. It should be noted that the use of university facilities for extra-curricular activities (i.e. athletic ground, track and field, gymnasium, the Japanese-style room in the Student Hall, the meeting rooms in the Student Hall, all classrooms) is prohibited for the time being.
2.2 Do not organize or participate in events in a group setting for the time being, such as meals and traveling.


IV The work style of the staff

The staff members are recommended to work at home or other alternative work locations, wherever possible, in order to reduce the number of staff members working at the university. If infection is suspected, one must not commute to the university, and you must?immediately contact designated medical institutions or call centers.


V University events

All university events scheduled up to the end of January 2021 must be either cancelled, postponed, or implemented online. If none of these are feasible, events may be held only on the condition that basic measures are appropriately and thoroughly taken such as avoiding the “Three Cs”, wearing a mask, washing and sanitizing the hands, and ventilation. It is also required to consult the university’s Executive Board prior to the event. (Please contact Deputy Director-General.)
