International exchange and study abroad

Ga?lle Mélinさん(フランス?レンヌ第2大学)の体験記

芸術学部所属 [留学期間:2019年10月 ~2020年9月]
● 広島はどんな街でしたか?日本に留学中にどんな体験をしましたか?
I really like Hiroshima. There are places to go out to have fun such as Karaoke, restaurants, coffee shops or 居酒屋. I always felt safe in Hiroshima, there are not too many people and it is easy to go from one place to the other.
● 広島市立大学ではどんな勉強をしましたか?
I studied Contemporary Art and I had lectures in International Studies. My classmates in the Art class were all very nice though the communication was not always easy, but the teacher helped by translating in English. Even though I was not fluent, I took part in many class project. The lectures I took in international studies were all very interesting and it was nice to meet with Japanese students and discuss about intercultural differences.
● 留学をした感想や、これから広島市立大学への留学を考えている学生にメッセージをお願いします。
Don’t be afraid to speak in Japanese. The students will always try to help you! Enjoy as much as possible your stay in the dormitory, meet with your roomates and neighbours and make great memories: a year is not that long !