International exchange and study abroad

Claire Chenotさん(フランス?レンヌ第2大学)の体験記

国際学部所属 [留学期間:2019年10月 ~2020年9月]
● 広島はどんな街でしたか?日本に留学中にどんな体験をしましたか?
Hiroshima is a beautiful city. I really enjoyed my time here. It’s so different from where I live in France. We can enjoy sea and mountains. Both are close to the city! I also enjoyed my life in Sakura dormitory. Even if it’s a little bit far from downtown, it was really great to live close to the university, meet other students and admire nature and the view.
● 広島市立大学ではどんな勉強をしましたか?
I’m part of the International Studies department. I mostly had English classes and Japanese classes twice a week. The lectures in HCU were great and it was interesting to meet and work with Japanese students and other students from various foreign countries.
● 留学をした感想や、これから広島市立大学への留学を考えている学生にメッセージをお願いします。
Time flies, so enjoy as soon as you can! If you have some problems, you can easily ask anybody in the dormitory or the IEC!