International exchange and study abroad

Laura Escuetaさん(カナダ?エミリー?カー美術デザイン大学)の体験記

芸術学部所属 [留学期間:2020年4月 ~2020年9月]
I was nervous coming to Japan. I had been to Hiroshima before, but I had mainly stayed in my hometown’s sister city, Miyoshi. My main reason to come back was to experience living in Japan for an extended period to see if I wanted to pursue career opportunities after graduation. I have to say, I enjoyed myself so much that I knew I wanted to come back even before I had left. I think staying at Sakura Dormitory is the biggest reason. Living with Japanese people not only improved my ability to communicate in Japanese but also gave me a look into Japanese culture. While it was unfortunate that I couldn’t really go out with the friends due to the virus, we bonded during this time. I have carried what I learned back to Canada and will carry them for the rest of my life.
〈写真はローラさんの作品から Photos are Laura’s art works.〉