International exchange and study abroad

GRISCHOW DUSTINさん(ドイツ?ハノーバー専科大学)の体験記
国際学部所属 [留学期間:2023年4月 ~2023年9月]
● 広島はどんな街でしたか?日本に留学中にどんな体験をしましたか?
I was really happy that the university and the dorm is located not directly in Hiroshima but at the mountains.
It’s really peaceful and the environment is beautiful.
I had much for going out in Hiroshima.
● 広島市立大学ではどんな勉強をしましたか?
I took the following classes: American Culture 1, Poetry 1, Japanese classes, Atomic bombing in Media and Chinese relationship (taught in japanese).
Classes like AC1 and Poetry 1 are designed for Japanese students in my opinion.
The pacing was really slow and sadly it has only scratched the surface in my opinion.
Because of my german background I am used to american culture and poetry.
Sadly my japanese is not so good, but it was possible for me regards the language barrier to join a class taught in japanese.
My sensei put much effort into it and helped me a lot. Furthermore I attended the Class Atomic Bombing in Media.
I highly recommend to join this class because of the historical importance of Hiroshima and the because of the oppurtunity to get to know the japanese perspective.
● 留学をした感想や、これから広島市立大学への留学を考えている学生にメッセージをお願いします。
– Try to meet as many different people in the first two weeks
– Join a club
– Try to study Japanese and use the opportunity to speak
– Travel a lot
– Enjoy your time