International exchange and study abroad

BUI LINHさん(ドイツ?ハノーバー専科大学)の体験記
芸術学部所属 [留学期間:2022年10月 ~2023年9月]
● 広島はどんな街でしたか?日本に留学中にどんな体験をしましたか?
I really like the atmosphere of Hiroshima – a mix of quiet neighborhoods and city life.
There are many things to explore and do, especially for entertainment. Initially, there were challenges like figuring out how to pay for and enter a bus or managing shopping and handling the cashier counter.
However, with the help of my buddy and friends in the Sakura dormitory, I managed to overcome these challenges and get used to them.
● 広島市立大学ではどんな勉強をしましたか?
In Hannover, Germany, my main subject is Product Design.
I wanted to learn about the differences in design process approaches and mindsets between Germany and Japan.
Therefore, I studied Product Design in the first half and Urushi in the second half.
Apart from my classes in the Art faculty, I also took classes from the International Studies department, which were conducted in English.
Since I’m highly interested in society, culture, and innovation, I took “Exploring Japanese Society & Future Studies 1” in the first half and “Cross-Cultural Psychology 1 & Future Studies 2” in the second half.
The Art classes were all in Japanese, so I faced communication problems and mainly used a translation app to communicate.
However, after half a year, my Japanese improved and even though I don’t understand everything, I at least grasp their meaning.
Taking English-speaking classes helped create a good balance.
One of the biggest differences I noticed between the universities is the pace and amount of work.
In Germany, we have a fast-paced semester with various classes, which was quite different from the working style at HCU.
In the end, I believe this change was what I needed in my life – a shift in behavior and expectation.
I learned to slow down and lived more in the present.
It might have been interesting to try out classes from the Information and Science faculty as well, as I heard they share some similarities with my major in Germany.
● 留学をした感想や、これから広島市立大学への留学を考えている学生にメッセージをお願いします。
I can’t believe I’ve already been in Japan for almost a year; time flies by so fast.
I experienced so much here.
Although my product design skills didn’t progress much, I developed other skills outside my major, which helped me grow as a person.
It’s the first time in my life that I find it difficult to let go.
I’ll miss this country, the university, professors, classmates, kyudo club members, and friends I made here.
I’ve become accustomed to the life here, going up and down the hill from Sakura to the university, bus stations, and club activities.
As I reflect on my stay, the thought of leaving soon makes me sad.
All in all, my start wasn’t great, and many things didn’t go as planned, but it helped me see things from a different perspective.
In the end, everything turned out well.
I’m happy to have had the opportunity to come here, and I’m glad for the path I’m walking now.
I’ll carry these life experiences with me and move forward with more confidence towards future opportunities.