International exchange and study abroad

Application is accepted three months before it expires at the immigration counter.
The international students with student status apply thru the organization they belong.
Check the following choices you wish to apply, and make sure to contact / hand in the documents to IEC at least one month before.
?EXTENSION????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
To extend the visa period in order to continue study, the applications must be submitted to the immigration counter before it expires. Be noted HCU requires research students to submit monthly report as it’s requirement to be considered.
(2)Application form (applicant’s pages only)
?WORK?PERMIT – part time job –??????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
Filling out the form, applicant directly applies to the immigration counter. No organization involved.
(1)Application form
?CHANGING STATUS – JOB HUNTING VISA –??????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????? |
The graduates with student visa can apply for this status to continue to stay with aims to find a job in Japan. An applicant is required to have continued the activity before graduation as its requirement. Non-degree students including research students and special auditors, however, are not allowed to apply.
(2)Application form
Feel free to contact us when you have inquiries.
HIROSHIMA CITY UNIVERSITY? International Exchange Center
(* When you send an email, replace & with @ )