EUHUS JAN-RENE PITさん(ドイツ?ハノーバー専科大学)の体験記
芸術学部所属 [留学期間:2024年4月 ~2025年3月]
● 広島はどんな街でしたか?日本に留学中にどんな体験をしましたか?
What kind of impression did you get from Hiroshima City? What experiences did you have during the mobile life?
Hiroshima city is very big and there are lots of amazing Places to discover. I recommend you to Just Walk around and find Places Randomly at first. There are a lot of Hiking trails around, so if you like the outdoors, find them with the help of an App. Even though it is not the most popular travel destination, Hiroshima has a lot of nice places that can be visited like Mijayima, Kure and Iwakuni.?

● 広島市立大学ではどんな勉強をしましたか?
What did you study in Hiroshima City University? How did you like about the lectures at HCU?
I studied 3D Design and Metal Design.?
The 3D Design required to work on your own a lot.
Metal design was very insightful. I basically learned the same as the Japanese Students. The Professors are Really nice and help you a lot if you struggle with the Tasks. The facilities are amazing, there are lots of tools and machines available for you to use. The atmosphere is welcoming, but also focused on getting Work done.
● 留学をした感想や、これから広島市立大学への留学を考えている学生にメッセージをお願いします。
Give your comments or advises for future exchange students.
Try to learn as much Japanese as you can and get tutoring in the language center!?Don’t be afraid of going abroad to Japan, everyone is nice and Helpful if you need help. There are lots of amazing things to experience and discover if you look for them. ?
